Hams On The Gram Digital Voice Network:

Yaesu Fusion Reflector 73583 GB-HamsOnTheGram and DMR Brandmeister TG 23444

Nets held every Saturday @ 2000-2200UTC. Check #HamsOnTheGram on Instagram for the latest information.

Please leave a 2 second gap between overs.

A special thanks to the supporters of this reflector: M0PQA, K2NDX, CT1ERY, G8REM, K7XYG, KJ7SYX, WE8L, KN6NAF, M3VWP, M6FWV, K4ABX

Hams on The Gram is a community run reflector. If you would like to support the upkeep of the server, click here

Join the Discord chat room here. Please set your nickname to 'Name Callsign'

APRS Thursday Net Information. Make 1200 baud cool again!

Currently TXing
Time (UTC) Callsign Target Gateway TX-Time
Last heard today:
Time (UTC) Callsign Target Gateway Dur (s)
2025-03-28 08:48:14JQ3AALALL JQ3AAL 1
Currently connected operators (YSF):
Transmission History Dashboard
Time (UTC) Callsign Target Gateway Dur (s)
2025-03-28 08:48:14JQ3AALALL JQ3AAL 1
2025-03-28 08:48:06JQ3AALALL JQ3AAL 8
Discord Chat Server

Join the community chat server for this reflector!

Visit discord.hamsonthegram.com

Saturday Nets @ 20:00 UTC

If you would like to support this reflector you can make a donation to help cover the server/website/maintenance costs. Click this link to donate via PayPal. Your support is gratefully appreciated.

Propagation information from HamQSL

Contest Calendar: the week ahead

177 days, 23 hrs, 59 mins, 40 s
Hams On The Gram | Yaesu Fusion Reflector 73583 | run and managed by Hamzah 2E0HXS | Subscribe to Radio Antics | This page refreshes every 30 seconds.